Gifts of winter

Where I live, in wintertime many days are grey and dark. No snow, no sunshine, no wind - only stillness.

It feels like the land is dreaming, like an invitation to surrender and dream with the land. To dive into the fog in the woods, walking between the realms of this world and another, experiencing the gift of darkness.

Imagine the shift of energy happening after a long period of hibernation, suddenly finding yourself in a sunny and snowy winter fairytale. It´s hard to believe this can be true, it´s like another world - actually a piece of paradise. This is the gift of the light.

Breathing in the cool air, purifying and invigorating. Sparkling snow in the bright winter sun, on every branch, every tree. Light in abundance, a celebration of life.

Fly away

Winter magic

Enjoying the snow

Bright winter light

Let´s go for a walk

Healing together

The earth needs us to heal. We need the earth to heal. Let us heal together now. 

Our healing is connected with the healing of the earth. If the earth is suffering and struggling, so are we.

By restoring our sacred relations with the earth, we also find back home to ourselves. 

Gently and consistantly, following the path of healing. Not giving up.

Following the path. Reconnecting, restoring, remembering.

Gentle strength
Beauties in all seasons
In the light

Im Nebel

Ich singe dem Nebel ein Lied, bin offen für das was kommt. Ich kenne weder die Melodie noch die Worte; lasse im Augenblick entstehen, was da kommen mag.

Noch ist es sehr ungewohnt für mich, intuitiv auf Deutsch zu singen. Meistens singe ich ohne Worte, und wenn mit Worten, dann auf Englisch. 

Und doch öffnet sich ein neuer Weg, wenn ich intuitiv auf Deutsch singe. Ich weiß noch nicht ob es mir liegt, aber ich lasse mich darauf ein.

Worte haben eine besondere Kraft. Singen ohne Worte hat ebenfalls eine ganz eigene Kraft. Beides hat Heilkraft. Worte können aber auch verletzen und Unheil bringen. Man muß sorgsam damit umgehen.

Intuitiv Singen mit Worten kann einem Menschen gewidmet sein, es kann für ein bestimmtes Anliegen sein, für Naturkräfte, Naturwesen, Pflanzen, Tiere, Orte... Es kann auch nur für den Augenblick sein um herauszufinden, was gerade da ist, oder was gerade in mir ist. Es kann sich eine bestimmte Botschaft im Text zeigen. 

Das Lied für den Nebel habe ich gesungen, um in intensivere Verbindung mit dem Nebel zu gehen, ihn wertzuschätzen, mich darauf einzulassen, was er in mir hervorruft. Ihn durch mich klingen zu lassen, den stillen Nebelgeist.

Das Lied habe ich im nebligen Wald in Kalksburg aufgenommen, der auf den Bildern zu sehen ist, oberhalb der wilden Wiese. 

Hüter der Erde

Folge dem Weg im Vertrauen, gut geführt zu sein.

Wie wunderbar ihr seid, Baumwesen! 

Eintauchen in die Anderswelt

Das Licht zieht sich zurück

Pilze - transformierende, nährende, heilende, weise Wesen!


I had a vision - an insight into a possible reality. 

A reality where I live my potential to the fullest. 
Where I inspire others to sing intuitively and to live their potential. 
Where healing comes through singing and connecting. 
Where pure beauty is alive, is created and shared in abundance.
A world where we remember how to communicate inwards and outwards, like we did before we became disconnected. 
It´s not too late. 
We can remember now. 
We can create with love.

Wann haben wir vergessen, mit der Schöpfung zu kommunizieren? 
Werden wir wieder in-Beziehung-gehen? 
Erinnern wir uns, dass alles beseelt und heilig ist?
Sehen wir Schönheit überall, auch in uns selbst?
Hören wir auf unser Herz?
Sind wir in Liebe verbunden?


Lately in the woods I encountered a fly agaric. Its bright red and orange head was so vibrant, I got kind of spellbound by its powerful presence. This magical mushroom-being seemed to be the guardian of the place. Its vitality was obvious, its power undeniable.

I felt a deep connection and relief, that this ancient resident of the woods was still here, birthed by the earth below my feet. 

Inspite of all destruction going on in the world, the abuse of the land and all beings, due to our "civilized" way of living - this ancient guardian of the woods was still standing strong.

Its presence and vibrancy gave me hope. It showed me strength and resilience. It reminded me of the sacred mysteries, the earth is holding. Of wisdom beyond our imagination.

The song was born in the moment of singing in the woods.

No, I did not taste any mushrooms. I just had a little fun with my camera.


Let´s rotate like the earth.

Being open to surprises.

A new creation.

In motion.

Change perspective.

What if you were right

What if you were right? 

What if you were good and always have been? 

What if all you did was the best you could? 

What if every feeling you felt was precious and there for a reason?

What if you were right all these years you thought you were wrong? 

What if you believed in your own goodness and spread it in the world? 

What if your existence was deeply needed by the earth and the heavens? 

What if you were perfectly right as you are in this present moment?

Loved. Needed. Precious. Beautiful. Evolving. Transforming. Alive.

 In the presence of light
 Happy to meet you
 Lying in the grass
 Sometimes blurred is better than sharp
In meadow paradise

Down by the creek

In the forest there´s a tiny little creek running through. Once upon a time - thousands of years ago - this creek must have been a mighty river, which formed the valley. Following the tiny waterstream I can only imagine the sound of rushing water back in those days.

Today it´s running peacefully and steady. In springtime, yellow March marigolds are blooming all over the place.  It´s a little world of it´s own, partly covered in a thicket of blackberry bushes and ferns, dead branches and fresh green leaves. Here and there, a deer´s path is crossing the stream.

I love going down where the water flows. Since my childhood - and long before that - the creek has always been there. This place takes me back in time, way before our modern times. Going there is like connecting the present moment with ancient times. A place to transcend time. I imagine how wild these waters must have been then, how powerful and free. The wildness still lives below the surface of time, earth, skin.

Away from the path

Would you mind wearing your nicest shoes while walking in the woods, following the light across fallen trees, ditches and hills? Well, I did and I ended up with a few scratches, but it was totally worth it.😄

Out in nature I always feel inspired and uplifted, even though it´s difficult to find really wild places in these modern times. My longing for connection with the wild makes me leave the common paths in the woods, letting my intuition take over and guide me.

I love to discover new places, exploring possibilities to get through the thicket, finding hidden water holes in the forest, or even encountering some deer. Rays of sunlight shining through the branches of tall spruces, are spreading their magical light.

Wandering around out in nature also is a journey for mind and soul. As I advanced deeper into the forest, I felt a longing to share the beauty of this experience with others. The words "away from the path" appeared. I decided to record an intuitive song with lyrics, and I asked the spirits for help to find the proper words while singing. This is the way the following song came to life:

Away from the path
you find home
Away from the path
you find beauty

Away from the path
you will find yourself
Away from the path
You will find beauty
you will see

Away from the path
you will find new ways
Away from the path
you will find home and peace

Away from the path
you will see what you never saw
Away from the path
you will be with me
you will see

Away from the path
you´ll find home
Away from all the paths
you will find new ways
new ways

Away from the path
you will sing with the birds
Away from the path
you will be one, one, one
one and all

Away from the path
just walk, just move
Away from the path
just go your own way

Away from the path
you will find the beauty of life
Away from the path
you will be one
you will be one

Come back home

If you feel worried and insecure
in these times of change
remember your home in nature.

Here you are held and cared for,
finding peace and hope,
trust and wisdom.

Go out into the forest,
this magical place of beauty,
home of healing plants and spirits,
animal brothers and sisters.

Step in and connect
with all of creation,
returning home to yourself.

Beautiful child of nature - 
come back home!

 Purest beauty
 Celebration of light
 A new beginning
 Step in and connect
Sunlight from heaven
I love you, wilderness


Look at the flowers in springtime - after months of being invisible and waiting, they suddenly feel ready to show up. They are not ashamed to show their overwhelming beauty.

Maybe the flowers can teach us how to bloom, maybe they can encourage us. Like the flowers, we are also meant to show our beauty, we are meant to share our gifts with the world. And to do so we do not need to be any different from how we are in the present moment. Just being authentic is enough.

So you can sing the song of your heart, without knowing the song, without being ready to sing, just intonate one note, and then another. You don´t need a professionaly trained voice to do so. Your singing is a healing gift.

I want to encourage you to let your light shine, and to let your voice be heard!

Longing for connection

Do you know the feeling of being disconnected from the land? Even in a beautiful landscape there can be various reasons for feeling disconnected. One of those reasons are the changes humans have made in the land. Signs of destruction, cut down forests, roads and traffic, tamed waters forced to flow straight. Some people are living in the countryside without even growing at least some of their food on their land.

Everything needs to be under control, it seems, nature as well as people. Tamed rivers and forests are just as boring as the modern human way of life.

Where there once was a large moor in the valley, now there is a golf resort. You´re not supposed to take a walk on their lawn, unless you pay to play. And you´re not supposed to step onto the little moor area that is left, because it is so threatened in today´s Europe that it was declared a Nature reserve. Instead of exploring wildlife, you can go and play golf now.

It´s hard to deal with those signs of disconnection around you without getting affected. There is a deep sorrow coming up, a longing for healing. It´s the longing for re-connection with spirit, to revive the communication with all of creation, to restore our relations to the spirits of water, to the spirits of trees, to the spirits of earth.

Singing intuitively is a way to reconnect with spirit, with your own heart and soul and the spirits of nature.

Where the light rarely comes

This one I will write in German, so click on the translator to the right to change the language.

Intuitiv singen - wie geht das? Eigentlich ist es die natürlichste Sache der Welt, es war immer schon da, in allen Ländern und Kulturen. Das intuitive Singen ist eine Möglichkeit, mit der Schöpfung zu kommunizieren. Dabei geschieht ein ständiger Austausch, das Singen reagiert auf Wahrnehmungen, Gefühle, darf einfach ganz frei fliessen. Der innere Beobachter hört zu und urteilt - das ist so seine Art - und er wird dabei einfach wahrgenommen wie alles andere auch.

Als Teil der Schöpfung liegt es in unserer Natur, schöpferisch tätig zu sein. Und es ist ganz einfach. Jedes Kind kann es: tanzen, singen, malen, formen, Geschichten erzählen, mit Naturwesen kommunizieren...Viele Erwachsene aber haben es vergessen oder glauben, dass sie bestimmte Normen erfüllen müssten oder erst einmal eine lange Ausbildung hinter sich bringen müssen, um gut genug zu sein.

In Wirklichkeit ist es so: du darfst tanzen, wie du willst! Du darfst malen, wie du willst! Du darfst singen, ganz genau so wie du willst!

Wenn du professionell singen, malen, tanzen willst - wunderbar, dann gehe diesen Weg!
Aber lass dich nicht davon abhalten, von Herzen kreativ zu sein. Einfach so. Spielerisch, schöpferisch.

Wie ist nun zum Beispiel dieses Lied entstanden? Das Licht auf einem Baumstamm im Wald hat mich inspiriert. Nicht zufällig spricht man vom göttlichen Licht oder von der Liebe als Licht. Das Licht ist eine heilige Präsenz.

Ich weiß nicht mehr, ob zuerst die Melodie oder die Worte kamen "where the light rarely comes", es ging jedenfalls ganz schnell, und ich habe das Lied gleich an Ort und Stelle im Wald aufgenommen. Der Refrain und die weiteren Worte "I can see you shining bright" kamen beim Singen zustande.
Es ist ein ganz einfaches Lied, eine Huldigung des Lichts, des Waldes, des Augenblicks.

Und natürlich schwingt auch die symbolische Bedeutung mit, von Licht- und Schattenseiten im Leben, von schmerzhaften oder vernachlässigten Bereichen und von der mutmachenden und erlösenden Botschaft: I can see you shining bright!