You are not broken

You might feel broken
but you are not
You might feel broken
but you are not

No one can take away your soul
No one can take away your soul

You might feel broken
but you are not
You are not

These words came to me while walking in the woods. I found a beautiful little branch looking like a deer´s antler, but one side was broken. Nevertheless I saw it in its full beauty, as it was covered with yellow lichen. 

Who am I to judge how it should be? How would I know if it would better be whole and not broken?
The broken branch teached me a lesson and gave me a song. It was a perfect teacher just the way it was.

Even if you feel broken sometimes, the circle of life takes another turn and creates something new. One thing might have to end to make space for something new. Nature is in constant transformation and so are we.

In the winter sun

Winter solstice - it is the darkest time of the year. Yet, the winter sun shines ever so powerfully once the clouds and fog have dissolved.

Sometimes the sun is not seen for many days, weeks - or even month, up in the far north. We are longing for the light, missing it desperately, or waiting for it patiently and with anticipation.

We need the light so fundamentally, yet we also need the darkness, the absence of light.
But even in the darkest night we are stunned to see the light of the stars.

Walking in the woods I most often follow the light - it nourishes my soul, it is a holy presence, the presence of the holy.

In winter time, during many dark hours, we are reminded of the preciousness of the light.
Let´s go outside in the winter sun and take it all in.

This is a little intuitive song recorded in the brightness of the winter forest.

Rewild your life

I´m feeling blessed to know so many inspirational people in the www, supperting and motivating wonderful people from all over the world. One of these magical sites is, helping people to reconnect with nature.

Currently I´m doing the "Rewild your life 30 day challenge", spending at least 30 minutes outside in nature every day, with a different task every time. Of course, once I´m out in the woods, 30 minutes for me are never enough. I tend to forget everything about time out there, wandering around where my intuition leads me.

Today´s challenge was to walk barefoot, to reconnect with the earth, feel the ground under my feet. Although it was quite cold outside and I ended up with some really cold feet, I enjoyed this challenge very much.

I found a pond in the woods, where I had never been before; it felt like finding a treasure. There were many tracks from wild animals in the mud. I took my shoes off and made some steps, and at the same time I started singing without even thinking about it.

So I took the microphone and recorded this intuitive song, just a simple song of the moment, while walking around barefoot, by the pond in the woods in wintertime.

Circle of life

Im Herbst, bei Nebel oder Sonne, war ich oft draussen unterwegs, mit oder ohne Kamera, manchmal mit Mikrophon. Aber die Lieder wollten nicht aufgenommen werden.

Heute ging ich auf die wilde Wiese zu meinem Baum. Ich stellte mich ganz nah zu ihm, meine Hände auf seinem Stamm. Da kam nach kurzer Zeit ein Lied, das ich gleich an Ort und Stelle aufgenommen habe.

Ich nenne das Lied "Circle of life", weil im Herbst deutlich wird, wie sich alles verändert, wie die Natur dem Kreislauf der Jahreszeiten folgt, und wir mit ihr, wenn wir uns darauf einlassen.

Es ist Zeit loszulassen und zu ruhen, sich zurückzuziehen wie die Pflanzen in die Wurzeln unter der Erde. Es ist Zeit, sich tiefer zu verwurzeln und an die eigenen Wurzeln zu erinnern.

Es ist Zeit für Rückzug.

Unter der Erde, im Dunkeln, sammeln sich die Kräfte für das neue Jahr, für das Neue, das in die Welt gebracht werden will.

Was wird es sein?

Noch muß ich es nicht wissen.