Rewild your life

I´m feeling blessed to know so many inspirational people in the www, supperting and motivating wonderful people from all over the world. One of these magical sites is, helping people to reconnect with nature.

Currently I´m doing the "Rewild your life 30 day challenge", spending at least 30 minutes outside in nature every day, with a different task every time. Of course, once I´m out in the woods, 30 minutes for me are never enough. I tend to forget everything about time out there, wandering around where my intuition leads me.

Today´s challenge was to walk barefoot, to reconnect with the earth, feel the ground under my feet. Although it was quite cold outside and I ended up with some really cold feet, I enjoyed this challenge very much.

I found a pond in the woods, where I had never been before; it felt like finding a treasure. There were many tracks from wild animals in the mud. I took my shoes off and made some steps, and at the same time I started singing without even thinking about it.

So I took the microphone and recorded this intuitive song, just a simple song of the moment, while walking around barefoot, by the pond in the woods in wintertime.

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